開BVI離岸公司申請表格 form 3-離岸公司 1) 聯絡人資料和條款/備註 Contact Information And Terms & Remarks | 2) 公司資料 Company Information | 3) 董事及股東資料 Director / Shareholder Information 聯絡人資料 Contact Information 稱謂 Title 先生Mr 小姐Ms 姓名 Name 電話 Tel 電郵 Email 地址 Address 希望我們以什麼方式聯繫 The way for communication WhatsApp 電話 Tel 電郵 e-mail 希望我們什麼時間 聯繫您 When do you want us to contact you? 9am -12pm 12-3pm 3-5:30pm 閣下透過以下何種途徑得知本公司之服務 Please indicate the channel which you know our company 現有客戶 Existing Customers Google Yahoo Facebook 朋友轉介Referral 其他 Others 條款及備註 Terms & Remarks: 離岸有限公司標準之註冊股本及發行股本為 50,000 股,每股US$ 1,合共US $ 50,000。Standard Authorized Capital and Issued Capital of Offshore Limited Company is 50,000 shares of US$1 each, totally US$50,000. 如公司董事或股東人數超過兩位,額外每位需另付HK$200 手續費。The number of directors or shareholders is limited to two; handling fee of HK$200 should be collected for each extra director or shareholder. 所有公司股東/董事身份證、護照/通行證及住址證明文件均須由香港執業會計師或律師核證為核實副本。Identity card/ Passport/ Visit pass and Address proof of all shareholders and directors should be certified as true copy by Hong Kong Certified Public Accountants or Lawyer. 當我們確定 閣下之有關申請資料後,閣下如欲更改資料,如公司名稱/地址、股東、董事/公司秘書資料等,我們將收取每項HK$500 文件處理費。After all details of application are confirmed as final, handling fee of HK$500 should be collected for each revision, i.e. name/address of company, particulars of shareholders’/ directors’/company secretary’s etc. 任何情況下,不設退款。No refund for services fee and deposit. 個人資料搜集聲明: 所有資料只用作註冊有關公司之用,絕不用於其他用途。Personal Information Statement: All personal information will be used for registration of the above company only. 根據反洗黑錢條例,申請人必須填寫及提供有關資料以便我們進行盡職審查。否則,我們將無法提供有關服務。To comply the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance, the above mentioned information and documents have to be obtained before any services could be provided 申請人如欲使用公司擔任董事及股東,請和我們的客戶服務主任聯絡。If corporate director or shareholder is proposed, please contact our customer service officer for details 客戶須親臨本公司核證身份和安排簽署有關文件。Client should visit our office for the verification and arrange for the signature. 本人/ 我們已獲得相關人士之正式授權簽署此申請書。I / we have obtained proper authorization from relevant person to sign this application form. 本人/ 我們證明所提供之資料正確無訛。I / we ensure all information provided is true and correct. 本人/ 我們明白和同意上述之條款及備註。I / we understand and agree the above terms and remarks. 本人/ 我們承諾按時足額支付所需之服務費用。I / we agree to undertake all the costs and fees incurred. 本人接受及同意上述條款及備註 /I/We hereby confirm and agree the Terms and Remarks 接受及同意上述條款及備註 Confirmed and agreed with the Terms and Remarks If you are human, leave this field blank. Next